Fishing For Litter

“By the year 2050 there will be more tons of plastic in the ocean then there will be fish, it is really a horrifying statistic to think that we will be swimming in a sea of plastic…”
Patricia Baker joins a group of an Irish fisherman who, along with their daily catch, are also working to clean up our oceans in our radio documentary “Fishing For Litter”.
“Fishing for Litter,” tells the story of a simple community-based initiative that is working to address the global issue of marine litter; a project that supports fishermen who along with their daily catch are also fishing for litter.
Marine Litter is a global issue. Between 2010 and 2025, some 155 million tons of plastic could be dumped into the ocean. Around the world, an estimated one million birds and 100,000 marine mammals and sea turtles die each year when they become trapped in plastic or eat it.
First Broadcast: September 2017